Dun & Bradstreet data dictionary

D&B business reports contain a wealth of accurate details about a company. See the list below for a description of the data provided in the report.

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Activity Indicator
Describes a specific activity code by system and/or component (e.g., 1977 US Government SIC code).

Annual Sales Indicator
The code describing the sales volume. Possible values are:

0=Actual Count
1=Low end of range
Blank=Not Available

Annual Sales Local Currency
Relates to the amount of turnover or revenue generated by the subject business. It indicates the sales of the business in local currency.

Annual Sales US Dollars
Relates to the amount of turnover or revenue generated by the subject business. It indicates the sales of the business in US dollar equivalent.

Business Name
The official or registered name of the subject business.

Business Structure Code
Indicates whether the subject business is a parent or a subsidiary location. Possible values are:

0=single location

Cable/Telex Number
The cable or telex number of the subject business.

CEO Name
The name of the individual identified as having the chief executive function. Highest ranking person on site: President, Owner, Branch Manager, etc.

CEO Title
The position title of the primary executive in the company.

City Code
The code of the city where the business is located.

City Name
The name of the city or town in which the subject business is physically located.

Continent Code
The one-digit code that identifies the region in which the business is located. Possible values are:

2=Australia and Asia
4=Middle East
5=South and Central America
6=North America


Control Indicator
This element is no longer used.

Country Name
The name of country where the subject business is located.

Country Code
The ISO code for the country where the subject business is located.

Country Telephone Access Code
The number to used when telephoning into this country from another country.

County Code
The three digit code representing the US county in which the business is located.

Currency Code
The code indicating the currency code of the annual sales volume, net worth and profit-loss records.

D&B® D-U-N-S® Number
The D&B® D-U-N-S® Number, which stands for Data Universal Numbering System, is a 9-digit non-indicative identification number (e.g., 75-000-0018) assigned by Dun & Bradstreet to each separate commercial entity in the Dun & Bradstreet database. In other words, each record is given a different number. For businesses with multiple locations, each location is assigned its own unique D&B® D-U-N-S® Number. This field is always populated and contains the D&B® D-U-N-S® number of the business that all other data elements in the record describe.

Domestic Ultimate Business Name
The legal business name of the domestic ultimate company.

Domestic Ultimate City Code
The city where the domestic ultimate company is located.

Domestic Ultimate City Name
The city where the domestic ultimate company is located.

Domestic Ultimate County Code
The code that identifies the physical country where the domestic ultimate company is located.

Domestic Ultimate D&B® D-U-N-S® Number
The assigned D&B® D-U-N-S® number of the ultimate parent company within the same country where the business is located.

Domestic Ultimate Postal Code
The domestic ultimate postal code associated with the domestic ultimate address.

Domestic Ultimate State/Province Abbreviation
The abbreviation of the state or province where the domestic ultimate company is located.

Domestic Ultimate State/Province Name
The name of the main sub-entity within the country, may be State, Province, Region where the domestic ultimate company is located.

Domestic Ultimate Street Address
The address of the physical location of the domestic ultimate company.The domestic ultimate postal code associated with the domestic ultimate address.

Employees Here
Indicates the number of persons employed by the business entity, at the physical address (excluding employees of branches or divisions at the physical address).

Employees Here Indicator
Indicator that qualifies the Employees Here figure. Possible values are:

0=Actual count
1=Low end of range

Employees Total
Indicates the total number of persons employed by the business including employees at branches, divisions and subsidiaries located elsewhere.

Employees Total Indicator
Indicator that qualifies the Employees Total figure. Possible values are:

0=Actual count
1=Low end of range

Executive Name
The names of individuals identified as having chief executive functions. Up to 10 Executive Name fields.

Family Update Date
Date indicating when the entire family tree linkage was reviewed.

Fax Number
The main facsimile number for the subject business.

Financial Statement Date
Date of current financial statement. May be full date, month and year or year only.

Former Business Name
The former business name of the subject business.

Global DIAS Code
The nine-byte binary code that helps families together by sequencing a file according to ultimate parent name and family sequence within each group.

Global Hierarchy Code
A two-position code, in conjunction with the status and subsidiary indicators that pinpoints the location of an establishment within a corporate hierarchy.

Global Ultimate Business Name
The legal business name of the global ultimate company.

Global Ultimate City Code
The code of the city where the global ultimate company is located.

Global Ultimate City Name
The city where the global ultimate company is located.

Global Ultimate Continent Code
The one digit code that identifies the region where the global ultimate company is located.

2=Australia and Asia
4=Middle East
5=South and Central America
6=North America

Global Ultimate Country Name 
The country where the global ultimate company is located.

Global Ultimate County Code
The code that identifies the physical county where the global ultimate company is located.

Global Ultimate D&B® D-U-N-S® Number
The assigned D&B® D-U-N-S® number of the ultimate parent company of the subject business.

Global Ultimate Indicator
Identifies the global ultimate family member. Possible values are:

N=not an ultimate

Global Ultimate Postal Code
The global ultimate postal code associated with the global ultimate address where the company is located.

Global Ultimate State/Province Abbreviation
The abbreviation of the state or province where the global ultimate company is located.

Global Ultimate State/Province Name
The name of the main sub-entity within the country. May be State, Province, Region where the global ultimate company is located.

Global Ultimate Street Address
The address of the physical location of the global ultimate company.

Global Ultimate WorldBase Country Code
The WorldBase country code where the global ultimate company is located.

Headquarters / Parent Business Name
The legal business name of the HQ/Parent company.

Headquarters / Parent City Code
The code of the city where the HQ/Parent company is located.

Headquarters / Parent City Name
The city where the HQ/Parent company is located.

Headquarter / Parent Continent Code
The one digit code that identifies the region where the HQ/Parent company is located. Possible values are:

2=Australia and Asia
4=Middle East
5=South and Central America
6=North America

Headquarters / Parent Country Name
The country where the HQ/Parent company is located.

Headquarters / Parent County Code
The code that identifies the physical county where the HQ/Parent company is located.

Headquarters / Parent D&B® D-U-N-S® Number
The assigned D&B D-U-N-S number of the HQ/Parent of the subject business.

Headquarters / Parent Postal Code
The HQ/Parent postal code associated with the HQ/Parent address.

Headquarters / Parent State/Province Abbreviation
The abbreviation of the state or province where the HQ/Parent company is located.

Headquarters / Parent State/Province Name
The name of the main sub-entity within the country. May be State, Province, Region where the HQ/Parent company is located.

Headquarters / Parent Street Address
The address of the physical location of the HQ/Parent company.

Headquarters / Parent WorldBase Country Code
The WorldBase country code where the HQ/Parent company is located.
Should be the same as subject business.
Europe does not provide branches with domestic HQ.
May be local or foreign.

Import / Export / Agent Indicator
Indicates if the subject business:
Imports materials to re-manufacture or sell.
Exports products to other countries
Does both.

Possible values are:

B=imports and exports
D=imports and agents
E=exports and agents
F=agent: keeps no inventory, does not take title goods
G=not available or none

Legal Status
This code shows the legal status of the business. Examples include corporation, partnership, and joint venture.

Line of Business
Describes the operations or activities of the business. It relates to the four-digit primary 1987 US Government SIC code.

Mailing Address
If the subject business has a mailing address in addition to a physical address, this field provides the mailing address information. Up to 2 Mail Address fields.

Mailing City Code
The code of the city associated with the mailing address.

Mailing City Name
The mailing city associated with the mailing address.

Mailing Continent Code
The one-digit code that identifies the region of mailing address where the business is located. Possible values are:

2=Australia and Asia
4=Middle East
5=South and Central America
6=North America

Mailing Country Code
The three digit code associated with the mailing address of the country name.

Mailing Country Name
The mail country name associated with the mailing address.

Mailing County Code
The three digit code representing the US county of the mailing address of the business.

Mailing County Name
The mail county name associated with the mail address.

Mailing State/Province Abbreviation
The abbreviation of the mailing state or province.

Mailing State/Province Code
The code representing the mail state/province name of the business.

Mailing State/Province Name
The mailing state/province associated with the mailing address.

Mailing ZIP/Postal Code
The postal or ZIP code associated with the mailing address.

Marketability Code
Indicates whether or not the record is marketable. Possible values are:

1=Not Marketable and listed
2=Not Marketable and delisted
3=Marketable and listed.

National ID
Indicates the code representing the main business identification number used in the country where the business is located.

National Identification System Code
The code that identifies the type of National ID Number.

Net Worth Local Currency
Total amount of Equity (Net Worth). It includes capital stock, retained earnings treasury stock, etc. in local currency.

Net Worth US Dollars
Total amount of Equity (Net Worth). It includes capital stock, retained earnings treasury stock, etc. in US dollars.

Indicates whether the mail last sent to this site was returned as undeliverable. Possible values are:

B=Both addresses undeliverable
M=Mailing Address undeliverable
N=No nixie indication
P=Physical Address undeliverable
Y=One of the addresses is undeliverable

Number of Global Family Members
The number of family members including global ultimate, all subsidiaries and branches.

Out of Business Status Code
Indicates whether the subject business is active or inactive. Possible values are:

N = Not inactive (an active business)
Y = Inactive

Previous D&B® D-U-N-S® Number
Previous identification number assigned by D&B for the subject business.

Primary Local Activity Code
Local Activity Classification Code. Values can be obtained upon request. Only NACE to deliver initially.

Principals Included Indicator
Indicates whether or not the principals of the business are included in the employee counts.

Profit / Loss Local Currency
Profit or loss in local currency.

Profit / Loss US Dollars
Profit or loss in US dollars.

Registered Address Indicator
Indicates if the registered address of the business is the only available address.

Report Date
The date indicating when the review of all the information reported about the business is completed.

SIC Code
Standard Industrial Classification code. The 4-digit SIC code is an index which describes the function (manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer or service) and the line of business in which the company is engaged.

State/Province Abbreviation
The abbreviation for the state/province where the business is located.

State/Province Code
The code representing the state or province name where the business is located.

State/Province Name
The name of main sub-entity within the country, may be State, Province, Region (example, England) where the subject business is located.

Street Address
The address of the physical location of the subject business. Where broken down, street name & number have been combined. Also contains in separate lines (if available) building name, neighborhood.

Subsidiary Code
Indicates whether the business is a subsidiary or not. Possible values are:

0 = not a subsidiary
3 = subsidiary.

Telephone Number
Main telephone number of the subject business. It includes area/local code if available.

Trade Style / Secondary Name
Trade Styles are additional business names used by the company – also referred to as a DBA (doing business as) or AKA (also known as) names. In some jurisdictions, these names are shown to be registered to, and therefore owned by, a company. They are used to secure the name, advertise a particular product or to distinguish between different parts of the company’s operations or divisions. Up to six trade style fields.

WorldBase Country Code
The WorldBase three-digit code that identifies the physical country where the subject business is located.

Year Started
The year that the entity actually commenced present operations. If the entity was formed to acquire or continue the operations of a pre-existing entity, then the start date may reflect this original start date.

ZIP/Postal Code
The postal (ZIP) code where the subject business is located.