
Hannu Alakangas, CEO

Hannu leads Punos. A serial entrepreneur, veteran B2B consultant and an experienced software team manager who has strong views on open data, he knows what is a sales meeting too far. Having spent last summer immersed in cards and yachting, after selling his previous business, Hannu founded Punos to make business life and sales meetings better for everyone. By golly, with the right information and the right tools at their fingertips, people will again start connecting in sales meetings!



Ville Mettälä, VP Sales

Ville designs and sells Meeting Assistant. With a decade of experience in B2B sales and CRM, Ville holds that it is the right information at the right time that successfully closes a meeting. His distilled wisdom from the sales networks he has led makes Meeting Assistant the killer sales app for iPad and Android personal meeting professionals and Salesforce CRM mobile app users.

Punos Mobile Ltd