Frequently Asked Questions

How the Meeting Assistant works?

Kindly check our introduction video.

Which devices are supported?

At the moment, Meeting Assistant is available for Apple iPad (iOS 6.0+) and Android tablets (4.4 / Kitkat+). We will add more devices / platforms soon.

My iPad calendar is connected to MA, but I don't see any meetings? / I use more than one calendar on my iPad. Which calendar is connected to Meeting Assistant?

Meeting Assistant connects to your default calendar. Follow these instructions to check, that you have selected correct calendar as a default calendar in iPad's settings.
Go to Settings >> Mail calendar contacts. Scroll to the bottom of the settings pane on the right. You will see the option to specify which calendar to use as default.

From version 1.30 and above, you can select which calendar or calendars you want to use. Go to Meeting Assistant settings and Calendar settings.

How “Try parsing from description” agenda works?

If meeting description given in native calendar is not empty, Meeting Assistant tries to convert description to action points. Actions points to be converted should be in this format: number, dot, action point title:

“Weekly meeting with development team 1. General status Lets check general status 2. Issues Any issues to react? 3. Actions”

→ Converted to three action points, description from each action point attached:
1. General status
Lets check general status

2. Issues
Any issues to react

3. Actions

I can not connect to Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter etc

Subscription in-app is required for these features.

How meetings are transferred to “Past Meetings”?

Meeting Assistant transfers imported meetings automatically to Past Meetings after 24 h (1 day) has passed from imported meeting end time.

Does Meeting Assistant work offline?

Yes. All previously saved information (e.g. meetings, profile notes) will also be available offline. We recommend that you import a meeting when you are online, e.g. at office. Once you have imported the meeting, everything should work seamlessly also offline, and for example meeting notes are saved as draft and you can send when you are back online.

I want to integrate Meeting Assistant to my favorite online service or productivity app. Can I?

We believe in open data and integrations! We would love to hear your ideas - please send them to our uservoice forum at

Meeting Assistant shows a profile picture for an attendee, even though I do not have a subscription. Why?

That's one of our great features, made possible by the Gravatar service. It uses attendees’ email addresses to fetch profile data and requires no authentication or subscription. See

From ver 1.40 and above, we have added also contacts integration that fetch automatically profile pictures from your contacts!

What is this funny looking duck search?

We use the search engine. Compared to other search engines, this engine respects your privacy and gives more detailed results. See their website for more info:

Is my personal data secure on Meeting Assistant? What data does Meeting Assistant store?

We respect your privacy. Only information to be stored is email addresses and that only when we are receiving information from external services. Addition to that we save your MA credentials, if you decide to create Meeting Assistant user account. Check our privacy policy for more details.

Are you planning to add more features? Do you have development plans?

Absolutely. This is just the start. Thanks to user feedback, we have lots of exciting ideas for future development. In fact, we are busy right now to add some of those updates. Stay tuned!

How can I get news about Meeting Assistant?

Become our fan on Facebook , follow us on Twitter or subscribe to our newsletter:


Can I export all my data if I decide to stop using Meeting Assistant?

At the moment this is not possible. We will release option to backup/export your data to a cloud service soon.

Why should I subscribe?

As a subscriber you will get access to more features and services. See our Feature comparison.

What are social network/external services throttle limits?

Meeting Assistant uses APIs provided by external services. These have default throttle limits for every user to ensure a seamless user experience for all users. If the limit is exceeded, you might see message saying “the current limit has been reached”. API limits are typically reset daily and we are continuously negotiating with API providers to get more API requests.

Will you save my login data to external services, such as Twitter?

No. Meeting Assistant utilizes the OAuth/OAuth2 authentication methods that keep your credentials safe.

Meeting participant/company background information is incorrect? Why?

We will love to hear what kind of problems you had. Please use the feedback button on the application and send for example the email address of the user whose information was incorrect.

Does MA fetch data also from my Device contacts?

We are happy to say Yes! From ver 1.40 and above, MA uses also your device contacts.

I have bought a subscription, but MA still shows old information (not LinkedIn, Facebook data etc.) for meeting participants?

This happens when you have imported participants to meeting before subscribing. You can update data by going to attendee profile card / Edit / Get Info. 

If you are using Meeting Assistant from ver 1.30, you can use also "pull down to refresh" feature for attendees to get info for all participants.

I still have problems with the app! Where do I get support?

Sorry to hear that :(. Kindly send email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.